茨城県の伝統的な和紙「西ノ内和紙」を用い、茨城県石岡市出身の橘流寄席文字書家 橘吉也氏が文字を入れる名入提灯です。様々なお祝い事、人生の節目にあたって、大切な人にお名前や屋号、想いを込めた言葉を入れた提灯を送ってみるのはいかがでしょうか。
These name-added lanterns are made of Nishi-Nouchi Washi, a traditional Japanese paper made in Ibaraki Prefecture, and inscribed with words by Yoshiya Tachibana, a Tachibana-style calligraphy calligrapher from Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture. How about sending a chochin with your name, company name, or words of wishes to your loved ones for various celebrations and life milestones?